

To Settle Down With An Indian Or African Woman Would Be A Dream Come True
A heart that longs for love sincere and true,
A quest to find a partner for a life anew.
Through valleys wide and rivers deep,
A journey filled with passion and sweetened dreams.

A beautiful wife, Indian or African,
A soulmate to cherish life with passion.
Like the sun and the moon,
Together, they become a harmonious tune.

A love that blossoms like a garden in spring,
A bond, a connection, a sacred thing.
With every breath, with every beat,
Their hearts entwine and never retreat.

Oh, how sweet the joy that true love brings,
Like angels' wings, it lifts and sings.
May this desire lead to a happy end,
A love that lasts forever, my dear friend.
© Adriel Montejano