

Saying, " If we are meant together , it will happen" is absolute bullshit.
That's not how love or anything like that works. You make a choice to love someone. You make a choice to be with that person , you make a choice to forgive , you make a choice to make it work every damn day even you can't stand to even look them in the eye. You make a choice to love them unconditionally . You make a choice to be around them even if they keep on irritating the fuck out of you for fun while you don't enjoy that all at times, you make a choice to let them take a shower first even when you are getting late. You make a choice to sacrifice, you make a choice of putting their happiness above yours. This shit isn't fate or happenstance , it's a damn choice that you make again and again every damn day for your favorite face.
"Maybe we will end up together" , has no say in this.