

My Mythology - The Gift of Faith
Mormons have an advanced personal horoscope
Which technically isnt a horoscope
(But basically is one)
By tradition is similar to the blessing
Isaac/Israel gave to his 12 sons
A lasting birthright and prophesy
Applicable to yourself through your life
And relevant to your descendants
It is mostly bullshit
But like so many things in LDS tradition
Has enough magick left
From Joseph Smith
That sometimes things of truth
In spite of the Corporate Profits
Who run LDS Inc now
(Thats another story I wont share here)
What matters is
In this blessing
Two things most always occur
One is they culturally appropriate you
Into a tribe of Israel
(not Judah)
And the second is they give you a spiritual gift
Mine was the Gift of Faith
By faith can you move mountains
And I believed it
So by the act of giving me the gift
I Acquired Faith
And never lost it
For if Faith is belief in that which is real
But not seen
Then belief in that which I experienced
Was only able to build
Even if the explanation for what had occurred
I am not perfect
I am not infallible
But I do have faith to shake the Earth
To move mountains
To make empires fall
Because I felt what I felt
What is is what is
What is real is what is real
Even if my understanding was limited
And still is
But it is infinitely better than it was
And will be infinitely better
The more time goes on
I have faith that it will be so
And experience bears this out
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