

value yourself ❣️
In the grand tapestry of life, we often lose sight,
Of the most precious thread, the one of pure light,
A thread woven with love, care, and respect,
The thread that is you, the one you should protect.
Value yourself more than any other things in your life,
For in doing so, you'll find a new strife,
To nurture your soul, to grow and to learn,
To embrace your worth, and to make your heart yearn.
You are a masterpiece, a unique work of art,
A shining star that shines bright from the very start,
Don't let the world's mirrors tarnish your shine,
For you are priceless, a gem, a divine.
Embrace your worth, let your spirit soar,
For when you value yourself, you'll find so much more,
More love, more peace, more joy, and more bliss,
In this journey of life, cherish yourself, don't miss.
© प्रियंका