

Poetical Hypothetical Logically Potential
"When your heart sees, you feel more than you know the logical part. Dismissing the truth just from facts, why can't your mind open? Why do you think I'm crazy just because reality's impossible nature can't be understood? The tonality of existence is complex. Our minds are apart but connected through hidden lines of neuromuscular memory, only because of the soul and transcending space astral memory. There's a sort of background infinite memory imprinted like a palm print on reality experiences through dreams. We see the past and the quantum collide while the minds are on rewind. In the past of a prison and the future anxiety of my present stillness, lift your soul with meditation. Your goal is to see, feel, and know. To know knowledge and see sound as colours are is awakening humanity needs. But the sound is colour and beats expressed across time, understanding rolled into being as the "I" folded away, and "Am" flowed into forgotten memory as slides. No visions become solidified in the past. The liquid future is still yet to form the present. Felt, hers, sense, kin, astral, and dreaming."

© TLTSU Samuel H Hunwick