

"We Walk Amongst Them"
If you walk amongst them, like them, speak they're foul language, partake in foul ceremonies, pretend congregational elation makes your day while deep inside you long to cast some runes & read the word, (even though some say you can't do both-bullshit)biding your time to unleash your mind on them through your Poetic Rhetoric, Fiery Missives & Searingly Argumentative Stanza's you are comforted by the knowledge that your words may stir men up, cause social unrest & give rise to discussion that while chaotic,...is all meant to illuminate what is, what's to come & how it can be rather than how it usually is. I use Truth to Awaken but lend comfort in knowing that to walk adroitly with one another is the only real path men should practice to make they're way. I like to speak on the "violent norm" & then show a different outcome with different reasons for living entirely. Not to butcher each other, argue, bicker & fuel hatred but find some semblance of reason without giving rise to treason. We can live togeather, work togeather, play togeather even pray togeather while putting down our weapons & burning & blasting the wicked ways of today's man out of our churches, schools, work places, social media & pay attention to what our African American brothers are trying to tell us is coming & what they're capable of doing when it comes! They can help us take back our churches & learn to find reason in the sky as what we are seeing is mostly 80% of our own design(gifted of course by Extra Terrestrials) and after years of interaction our Gov now prepares to launch the "big phony alien invasion" so they can unite us all under they're "Saviour's Mantle of Protection"!! But enough, find all of this for yourselves, it's all out there if only you look. Wake up, they know we are all waking up albeit some slower than others. Lol....love your fellow man & woman, protect the children, respect authority but do not allow yourselves to be abused by transient or outlawish pirates claiming to be the law or the word. Walk a fine line & keep ✨️ connections to a strong & just community of fellowship & God fearing Men & Women as well as strong ties to the men & women of our police & sheriff departments as well as all our first responders, fire 🔥 & rescue personnel lastly but never least our brave men & women of the military 🪖 who have faced ungodly truths out on today's battlefields.
© Copyrighted by Drin Jacöb Hildebränd & Writco