

The Molding Girl - 2am writings
#2amWritings --
Tw - G*re, D3ath, general disturbance


The house lived upon a hill, the girl lived upon a stone. 
The stone lived upon an ocean. Within the ocean no one came home. 
Within the home, no one lived to seek. To seek out, no one knew. 
The kids play jumprope singing of her. Sing of the girl with mold in her skin. In her soul. In her hair and eyes. 

This girl lived upon a hill, upon the hill lived a house.
Upon the house lived and ocean. Within the ocean lived a stone. Within the stone, no one came home. 
Within no one, seeked the home. And knew, no one stayed. 
The kids play hopscotch and rhyme of her. The girl with mold in her clothes, in her hands, in her heart. 

The hill lived upon the girl, the girl lived upon no one. 
No one lived within the ocean. Within the ocean, out seek knew. Stone came house. 
Within house, stone lived upon the girl. Upon the ocean, living.
The kids played hide and seek and call out as though they were her. With mold in her brain, in her lungs, in her feet. 

House within no one. Knew the girl within the ocean. 
Stone lived within the home. Upon the girl the home came no one. 
No one came, the girl in the stone. In the stone, gone for good. 
The kids played with chalk, drawing her image. What would she look like without all that mold? 

Upon the hill there lives a girl. Within the hill there lives a house. 
The house lives withion the ocean. The ocean lives upon a stone. 
No one comes home. She is moldy. 
The kids play on the trampoline, scream as though she is near. With mold in her stomach and legs and mouth.

Withen the girl there lives an ocean. Within the ocean there lives a home. 
The home live upon a house. Stone goes in, no one knew. 
House, home, ocean, girl, knew, stone, no one lives.
The kids play in the sandbox. 

They found her.
© ms160