

Outside lives a girl who is always smiling. Yet inside hides her pain, and wishful thoughts of dying.

Outside lives a girl with bright blue eyes, that will leave you mesmerized. Yet inside lives a girl severely traumatized.

Outside lives a girl with a laugh, so contagious. She has perfected a beautiful disguise. Yet inside lives a girl, with many other faces.

Outside lives a girl with the personality, everybody envies.
Yet, inside hides a girl, whom feels so empty.

Outside lives a girl who acts courageous and tough. Yet inside hides a weak girl, whose had enough.

Outside lives a girl so full of life. Yet, inside lives a girl, whose lost her will to fight.

Outside lives a girl with a perfect image. Yet inside lives a girl, pained and damaged.

Outside lives a girl with such ambition. Yet inside lives a girl, whom can't bare her own reflection.

What you see on the outside is a personal disguise. If you dig to deep, I will eventually cut ties. There is to much damage, tucked away inside.

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