

Spirit Lead Me
For once I'd be a thunder
For In thunders I see no fear
For once I'd be the clouds
For In clouds I see no shame
For once I'd be the waves
For In waves I see no mind
For Spirit lead me as I see divine
For I can rest in your embrace

I'll dance on my own for even if music dies
I'll be a star shining alone ever bright
For I'd love to be a love one side
For Spirit lead me as I see love
For alone I'll rise in my own eyes

As you abound in oceans of my heart
I'll walk with you upon the waters
Deeper than my faith could wander
For Spirit lead me where I see trust
For I'll see beauty where I see no lust

For once, I want to be a rain sunshine
For once, I want you to be umbrella valentine
The umbrella's a need as the rain blows
The umbrella's a bleed as the rain goes
For Spirit lead me where I see a sorrow
To be the saviors of their tomorrow

As the day bleeds into nightfalls
As the night shines into yellow dawns
Here I am forever awaiting for you
There I will be forever creating for you
For Spirit lead me where I see meaning
For In your presence my eyes see greening

Mysteries of feet wanders on lands of belonging
Oceans of mind stands on waters of longing
Be free of my belonging and longing
For Spirit lead me where I see beauty
For your grace is my courage to do duty

With your eyes And With your name
I'll sing as birds And I'll dance as roses
For Spirit lead me where I see you
Sovereign hands of me becoming you

- rose