

The Prettiest of Pennies

They say that one’s trash is another one’s treasure—
how somebody’s pain can so too be a pleasure.
A dream for those with purchasable hearts
feels akin to perishing in a nightmarish march.

To work every last waking hour of the day,
all scrounging for scraps of scant rest—
recreating this rat race
that sooner, later, we complete,
with our nice little nest—competing
and quietly comparing the worst to the best.

But alas—I am rather content coming last—
there is no loss in losing as I’ve nothing to prove.
For a race after all, is no more than a game;
never fruitless endeavours for fortune and fame.
So dream a life full of false riches if you must,
nary happiness nor love—
but such ones of mere material lust.

And at the end, when we weigh up our medals,
keep in mind, each of us—
the prettiest of pennies
will eventually rust.

© Joseph Chin
#dream #nightmare #perspective #philosophy #life #values #love