


In the end... time I've lost
yes this is true
I should try something new
like running away
as fast as I can
to get as far away
as I can from you

How is it that everyday
before the sun goes down
you find a way
to hurt me
in some way somehow
you can't help but put me down
it's more important
to see me cry
then making love
you rather play goodbye

When its been just too much
and I can't hold it in
my feelings flee from me
like hope did with the wind
I can't wrap my mind around
when happiness i must pretend
your abuse only then
will begin

Silly wrath is fun and games
using someone's love in vain
shallow humors disillusioned
what a shame!

Your laughing now
your in your daze
but when your conscious creeps
it might just make you think ...

but ones cup in which
of whome is hollowed...
always has another drink.

When your full
please remember
creed is all you've swallowed.

Sarah J Laird Taylor

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