

O Dear Friend!

O Dear Friend!

O Dear Friend, I miss you a lot.
How many days have passed by,
Without you, I forgot!

O Dear Friend, I miss you dearly.
I want to meet you again,
I say it loud and clearly.

O! What a great bond we shared.
For each other, we dearly cared.
We played in these woods, We ran on that grass.
And here I stand, seeing those fields vast.

I tried but could not find you there.
"O Lord! I lost a great friend",
My fragmented heart feared..

O DEAR FRIEND! Where have you gone? Like a million white endive seeds,
flying away from the dandelions sown.
O Dear Friend, Where Have You Gone?!!

#Friendship #FriendsForever #LostFriend
© Random Legionary (Rudraksh)