

People just do not understand,
they think I'm just being a bitch cause of the way I act,
I hide my tears with smiles during the day;
Then the tears spill like a mighty rain at the middle of the night.

Depression is deadly;
It sucks you up from the inside till there's nothing left
Makes you want to scream till you loose your voice,
Then finally makes you feel like a living dead.

It's quite funny,
Cause sometimes I do not even know the reason for being sad,
What hurts the most is that nobody understands,
They keep telling me to stay strong

People see a girl whose smile brightens everybody's day up,
They see a girl who doesn't care about what people say about her.
They do not know the truth;
The truth is she's slowly wilting away like flowers.

Who am I? I do not know
Why am I sad? I also have no answer
All I know for now is;
I need to come out of this pit of darkness I've fallen into.