

A Connection Beyond Touch

We’ve never met beneath the stars,
Nor held each other close,
But in the quiet of my heart,
It’s you I feel the most.

No hands have clasped, no arms have held,
Yet still, we’re intertwined,
Through words and whispers softly shared,
Our souls have gently rhymed.

Across the miles, through fleeting time,
Your presence fills the air,
A bond that’s born from something deep,
From thoughts and dreams we share.

No need for touch, no need for sight,
To know your heart is near,
For in this space, beyond the flesh,
Our love is crystal clear.

A tether built of whispered thoughts,
Of silence understood,
A connection not of flesh and bone,
But of something pure and good.

And though we never stand as one,
Our spirits bridge the space,
For love is felt where eyes can’t see,
And time can’t leave a trace.

© SparklesZoe ✨️