

A Bridge to Make Me Whole
A shadow stretched across my soul, a void where light had been,
My heart, a shattered, broken shell, a fragile, empty scene.
I wandered through the barren lands, lost in a chilling mist,
Each step a hollow echo, a haunting, lonely twist.

I searched for solace in the breeze, for comfort in the rain,
For echoes of a laughter lost, for joy that wouldn't wane.
But only silence met my cries, a somber, aching dread,
The echoes of my yearning heart, a mournful song instead.

My spirit, once a vibrant flame, now flickered low and dim,
Consumed by endless, empty nights, a soul consumed by whim.
I yearned for touch, a gentle hand to guide me through the dark,
A flicker of compassion's light, a solace in the spark.

Then fate, with gentle, guiding hand, unveiled a path unseen,
A whisper in the echoing void, a promise, calm and keen.
And there you stood, a beacon bright, a warmth within the cold,
With eyes that held the gentle light, a story yet untold.

Your presence, like a soothing balm, caressed my weary soul,
Your touch, a gentle, whispered word, a bridge to make me whole.
The darkness lifted, shadows fled, as hope began to bloom,
A tender, fragile seedling, nurtured in this vibrant room.

We walked through sunlit fields of joy, hand in hand, side by side,
The laughter that escaped my lips, a journey we would ride.
The fragments of my shattered heart, you pieced with loving care,
And in your eyes, a reflection shone, a love beyond compare.

For you became my guiding star, a beacon in the night,
The one who found my wandering soul, and set my spirit right.
The emptiness within me filled, a love that knows no bounds,
A melody of happiness, a symphony of sound.

And now, hand in hand, we walk, beneath the azure sky,
My soul, my heart, my everything, no longer lost, but high.
For you, my love, my guiding light, have found me in the fray,
And in your gentle, loving arms, I finally found my way.

© matthewwwebster