

Journey of Love: A Tapestry Unfolded

Lush, green meadows,
Brimming with fragrant flowers,
Borderlands to joy,
Pathways to success,
In the companionship of,
Family and friends
Underneath the sky's embrace,
Whispers of dreams interlace.
Sunset hues paint the horizon,
Guiding hearts that beat in unison.

Laughter echoes, a melody sweet,
Memories woven, moments fleet.
Through trials faced, and challenges embraced,
Together, a bond that cannot be erased.

Hand in hand, facing the unknown,
Strength in unity, seeds of growth sown.
In this tapestry of life we weave,
Love and resilience, our spirits retrieve.

As seasons change and time unfolds,
A story of life, beautifully told.
In lush, green meadows we find our way,
A journey of love, day by day.
© nishitgangwar
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