

Trapped in a bubble.
I feel like I'm trapped in a bubble,
Floating through life but it's not easy,
I can feel them staring,
Other people's words fogging up my vision.
Trapped in a bubble I didn't blow,
But I'm too afraid to pop it,
If I do what will happen?
Will I meet new people, or only get hurt?
I'm trapped in this bubble that I'm to scared to pop,
Too scared to speak,
Too scared to look,
Too scared to do anything about it.
One day I'll pop I just know it,
Broken bubble,
Could be years,
What's going to happen when my bubble pops?
Will I live or will I die,
Will I meet new people or only new problems?
I just want to be okay.
Floating through life in this bubble I didn't blow,
Too sacred to pop it,
Nothing else to do.

© ●•ßugz{Før}Bra¡!ns•●