

I have a dream
I have a dream
A dream yet to be completed
To make you my spouse
To marry you
N the first thing after marriage is
To offer a salat
Besides you

Yes I have a dream
To keep those 103 promises
To take the best care of you
And to espouse
Of your parents
And I m solicitous
Of your family too

I have a dream
To play badminton with you
To play lots of indoor games
To support u in tough times
To which I HV yet failed
But I have a dream
To avoid this
impetuous nature Of mine

Although I don't know
Whether my dreams may come true or not
But I have faith in allah
And I have faith in your words
That Dua can change the destiny
And hence
For this , I m saying this to u Meri jaan
Yes I have a dream
And a dream yet to b completed