

The Lost Child
A child is born with hope and trust
Then all is gone by a neighbor's lust
Called to house to then was a friend
To started a nightmare that for years wouldn’t end

He touches the child, it doesn’t feel right
The child stays in a frozen fright
He gives a trinket and say “do not tell"
It’s throw away for of dirt it smells

The child cries out, but not in words
It’s not answered for It’s not heard
So the child is lost, not yet a man
Hope and trust gone with sands

Into the mind comes a well of shame
Drowning the soul with guilt and blame
The child is lost and no one cares
Being so young, he’s unaware

He becomes quiet and keeps to himself
No one can hurt you with trust on the shelf
And love is hard to give or gain
When the soul is lost in a well of shame

He gets older, it’s drugs and drink
To drown the past, or so he thinks
It’s there but hidden and life’s not a game
He falls deeper in his well of shame

His life now worthless, he feels it should end
He’s hurt so many of his family and friends
Love for himself is no longer there
Loss of his life, no one will care

He decides to give life a try just once more
He looks for the past he had once before
The nightmare remembered he recalls the shame
The fear, the sorrow, the hurt, the blame

To heal the past and the pain that he knows
He looks for the child he lost long ago
He learns to forgive him and give him a hug
And lets the child know he is still loved

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