

Crey and Cloud nine. (third verse)
They say love is madness.
They say that love is an untamed force that when we try to control it, it will destroy us and when we try to understand it, it will just leave us feeling lost and confused.
Some will say it's like a fever which comes and goes quite independently and others say that love is believing in feelings deep inside, in moments,
like a fleeting emotion of care and affection.
They say it is the extreme feelings of attachment you feel for someone.

If you ask me, my definition of love would be..
It's when you run your hands through your hair.
It's when you tried to dance and accidentally hurting your elbow hitting the wall but still managed to smile.
It's listening to you play your guitar.
It's seeing you at a distance, witness you smile,
witness you laugh.
It's seeing you do the things that you're most passionate about.

—I say love is madness.
You, just there, doing nothing, just existing.
and here I am admiring, writing poetry about you.

© Jay Faigmani