

"Infinite Horizons: Verses of Love and Light"
In the expanse of boundless skies,
Where dreams take flight and spirits rise,
Infinite horizons call to me,
With verses woven, wild and free.

In every word, a beacon bright,
Guiding souls through darkest night,
Love's tender touch, a guiding light,
In the vast expanse of starry night.

With each verse, we journey far,
To realms unknown, where dreams are our star,
Infinite horizons, where hearts unite,
In the dance of love, bathed in pure light.

So let our poetry reach new heights,
Across the universe, in endless flights,
For in the echoes of love and light,
We find our home, forever bright.

#InfiniteHorizons #LoveAndLight #VerseVoyage #PoeticJourney #EndlessDreams #BoundlessLove #

© Minali writer