

The Pain Of A Long-Distance Relationship
In realms where miles stretch long and wide,
Two hearts, in yearning, fiercely abide.
Across vast seas and skies so blue,
Their love persists, steadfast and true.

Yet shadows cast by absence's sting,
In solitude, their sorrows cling.
Each day, a battle fought anew,
With memories sweet, yet pain anew.

Distance, a cruel and silent foe,
Eroding time with every woe.
Words whispered through screens, they find solace,
But nothing can replace an embrace.

The ache of longing, a constant throb,
In dreams, they dance, in waking, sob.
Yet hope flickers like a distant flame,
Their love enduring, despite the game.

For in the end, when reunited,
The pain of distance is subdued, delighted.
In each other's arms, they find release,
Their love is a testament to perseverance and peace.

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