

la foolish femme
Dear woman, it's ok to be smart,
Smart enough to marvel the dumb heads.
Your intelligence is seldom weird which exceeds everyone's expectations,
Your knowledge seems awkward amongst fizgiggs.
But what can you do? you can't help being you.
Some part of you says always smile, but the other part takes over to be a stiff head, so that mockers stay out of your way.
Chilled you are just once a while but tough you are not to appear fragile.
It's not ok to look cute, not ok to act sweet.
Not ok being brainless, not at all ok just being pretty all the time.
A rose is prestine with its thorns and so is a woman buffed with wisdom.
Maybe it's this time, turning Cool guy mode to Tough guy mode.
Wake up out of your dreams to appear beautiful,
get up and realize, is your presence a personality or just a luscious popularity?
You are funny but you look like a comedian,
You are dignified but you are named arrogant,
Your humour detracts your anger,
Your love misconstrued as your weakness.
Your respect isn't a demand, it is your right.
Ironically you barely get it unless you ask for it, respect!
Fake feminists couldn't stop objectifying women, so turned up sexualizing men, isn't this pathetic?
You are said you are equal to men just to make you smoke and drink. confined to dancing in casinos.
You think you conquered the dominance that has been since ages but I pity your stupidity spoiling your own self fighting with the gender bias!
You might get the equal pay but equal honour? You've got equality in stepping into bad habits but you have lost your dignity? Where have you flung the core issues?
Fight for yourself and first fight with in yourself.

© Rachel Snowy