

Doctor Penguin, Doctor....

Doctor penguin , Doctor Penguin, may I come in?
No No.. It's late evening!
O gosh, I am late
Me and my wife has'nt ate,
Treat me doctor , Treat me doctor
I am a procter!

So what should I do it's late evening !
I have a headache and pain in my knees.
OK let me treat you, you'll be fine.
Trust me, Trust me apply headache pain ninety nine.

What's your name dear.
My name is picko bear 🐻.
Oh, here is your report dear
Apply these and you'll be fine picko bear.
Thank you, Thank you for your time.
Do you prefer coldrink or lime?

#littlebitfable #penguinbear
@ManyaB #ChildrensPoem

© - Originally by Manya 〽️