

life...!!! 💜
In the end it was just me and my thoughts,
A painful trap, long after you were gone
I fell on my knees
My heart got freeze
My spine got chills
You broke my heart
And I fall apart
It was always me
Just me
It was my imagination of having you
I was living you like a dream
Oo damn
I never knew
The pain I felt
Oo God I wish I could say
I can't ... I can't
Words are really few
The years... Months and days I lost
Are you gonna ever pay
I just wanted to feel a little more loved
That turned my heart desperate like summer of May
I don't have faith now
I lost it in the way
So I barely pray
How do you feel???
When you don't feel anything but pain
Showering over you like rain
Am I cursed
Am I a zinx
In the end
Everyone leaves
Nobody stays
So let it be
May be it's just me
Who can't see beauty in life
May it just me who can't see
Beauty in the pain
Pain the beauty
May it's just me
Who can't see
Beauty in life
It's magnanimous heart
Who breaks me down
Who snatches my crown
Making me feel defeated
A lost worrier
Maybe I myself is the barrier
Laying in the way of
My own happiness
Like a stone
Grown in my heart...!!!
© Sultan_writes