

2020 So Far
7 months in, boy where do I begin?

January, Twitter blew up when we heard about possible War World 3?
but how funny were those memes
RIP Kobe and Gigi

February, things are starting to look a little scary
they say there is a virus in the air
I'm sure it's nothing to worry, I mean it hasn't hit here...

March, things are scary
the future is bleak
everything is being shut down, bars, theaters, gyms, schools
the government aren't telling us the truth
do they think we're fools?

April, they say curve needs to flatten
too many people are dying
our essential workers are tired
our medical workers are exhausted

May, we're all quarantined
so what are some good movies on Netflix
I swear this year so far really stinks
oh I forgot to mention. we have to wear mask
wearing them drives me insane
I'm out here looking like Bane

June, racial tension are at an all time high
the country is divided
there's looting and riots
but seeing the world come to together against hatred is something I'll hold sacred

July, welp, just as things were starting to. open up, but the virus had other plans
people are still dying
children are switching to remote learning
RIP Naya Rivera

I can say I'm honestly sick of all it
when you read this I know you feel it too
the future is uncertain but I'm optimistic that this will be over soon
no matter where you are, just know you're not alone
And don't forget, stay at home

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