

#WritecoPoemPrompt52 "A tree house"
Write a poem on "A tree house"

A tree house was all I've ever known
"August, why are so afraid of love?"
His emerald eyes seized the woody roof
And I waited for his mouth to move
"I don't want to grieve a dying love" he said
The tree house felt small and his gaze held mine
Oh, emerald eyes and sinking orbs
How I would die over and over for his love
"August, what are we?"
Tense shoulders and furrowed brows
He reminisced our memories of the tree house
"Friends" he said, "We are friends"
But friends don't kiss each other's lips
They don't know the way your skin feels
Or how you like to be touched
Friends don't love each other the way we do
Was all I wanted to shout at his face
But I knew that we were doomed from the beginning
I knew that you only came to leave again
"I don't want to grieve a dying love" He repeated
"I don't want to grieve our dying love" I said
But the tree house felt too small to fit our memories
The tree house only gathered us to separate us again
We are witnessing our end
And how I would die over and over for our love again

© M.