

Call of Time
Tick-tock, Tick-tock, the clock is ticking,
I know my journey is slowly ending,
And my time to return is coming near,
As I hear the call of time, loud and clear,
Whispering softly but firmly in my ears.

Time never stops, keeps passing by,
The call of time will never lie,
Tells me to cherish each moment,
Create memories and live in present,
Without worrying what my future has set.

I hear the call of time each day,
Embrace my day and be grateful everyday,
For time guides me along the way,
Trusting it every moment with nothing to say,
And respecting it in every possible way.

© Sunita Pathania

#sunitapathania #calloftime #Inspirationalpoem #clockisticking #Embrace #begrateful #writcopoem