

One More Drink
This glass may be half empty
Or maybe I am half filled
This glass feels awful heavy
Will all the glasses killed
One more shot to save my night
Just one more and I will leave
One more shot, then change my life
Just one more, you must believe!
I wasn’t going to have many
It's not at all what you might think
yes, I had more than plenty
Just one more I need to sink
Tomorrow I will change my ways
Maybe, begin my sobriety
Doubt how long it will still stay
It has never been a top priority
One more and I will go
Straight home and straight to bed
I know my words are moving slow
And there’s Bourbon in my head
One more drink and I will go
Oh, this glass is empty? Please one more?
Ok I am not going home
I will be sleepy on the floor…….


this poem is not about me now….it’s about who I was when I had a problem. it’s been 8 years sober and I’m a very happy man. if anyone is reading this and has a problem please get help. it’s worth it and you’re worth it!!

© StephenPuls1970