

A man,
hmm, ordinary men don't know the reality of life.
But the real men do,
they know the struggles
what man faced to become a "Man" can never be compared to a burning fire.
A real man is the one who endures through all hardship despite, the circumstances around him.
He never falls,
He never throw in the towel,
Even, when he falls to the surface of the earth.
Nobody ----
to console him,
to pity him,
He never cares,
He braced himself up to continue the struggle.
The Struggle of this world is to eternity
looking back at what he has struggled for
laboured for
His mind was made up to aim for more notwithstanding challenges and how it may present itself.
A mere man trembles when troubles strucks
a weakling bark and brag about his words
but failed woefully in terms of actions.
he feared for his life and forsakes the life of the universe.
he tells people how creativity he is but merely looking at him, he is a coward.
When trouble seized his abode he fled,
his words are visible
but actions are illusion
If you see men of courage
their actions speak louder than words
they do not give up easily
The world rotate around their hands
they have walked through the seven continent of the world
The relevant keys to success are with them, if you walk with them you will never go astray.

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