

A depressed lovers letter to her lover.
My love isn't incomplete, and your love isn't either, nobody said love should be perfect and I myself created Chaos, not to make u run away or stay but to make u understand there more to me than a sweet smile and romantic books I read,

people around me run in circles and sometimes they drag me along with them, the whole thing makes me dizzy but I can't stop and it's not because I don't want to stop but because, "I can't stop", I am afraid to drag u along so u stand aside and watch my madness.

you say am moody and I can't either agree or disagree because I can't understand myself either but well let me explain " I woke up today and I feel like I want to be in my room, I just want to sleep and eat but not wanting to talk to anybody", am sorry if I cut u out but there is a shadow of sadness that has wrapped me up and I can't pretend to be happy or sad Infront of u

© Mkay