

Us Women
The world is "modernizing", we are all progressing just fine,
"Equal opportunities for women", BUT only before nine,
Cause from nine to morning seven, it's still a man's world,
While our wings are no more chained, some of us are still caged birds.

And Even then this "changed" world ceases to exist beyond our window blinds,
Behind which we are taught to sit straight, cross our legs and close our minds,
And reminded that every wrong move is an open invite for him
To consider our body as his toy, built to degrade and destroy beyond mere skin.

And while some of us have managed to get out of this swamp of misogyny,
Those stuck under are pulled deeper through toxic tendrils of masculinity,
And treated as soulless bodies with nothing but wombs,
Manipulated into thinking their sole purpose is to look pretty and to reproduce.

But society it's high time you stop glorifying his abuse as his masculinity,
It's high time you stop symbolising our bodies as your dignity,
For we refuse to be substitutes to his bigoted mentality,
Us women are made to rule the world, if needed, single handedly.
© PandaWithGlasses

Also I realise and agree that it's not only women who are oppressed, men too are prejudiced against in the society; from pressure to show zero emotions to earning more and being strong and tall and many other stereotypes affect them.
However this poem is about the mistreatment and abuse on women in the society.
And by no means do I mean to convey that women are better than men.
Thank you for reading 😊