

To pacify a friends' emotionally disturbed heart, To handle the twists and turns of life, We have to try to lend a hand and help each other out, Because living alone is like holding the edge of a knife.

In your life if you have a true friend it means you have the most adorable gift from God... It's duty of a friend to hold the hand of their Distrubed Friends... there is nothing that yours mine in friendship it's Ours it might be Happiness Or Sadness... Living alone is the biggest Curse living together is the biggest Boon... Friends are the medicine's of your pain... Helping eachother in friendship is eachother s duty... letting anyone back in friendship is not called as friendship it's called selfishness...if the friend is distributed we should convince him showing him the opportunities of Life showing him how long life is how wild it is...
life is very long and at the same time it is very short...We should be happy and keep others happy ✨