

Hi, Bye, Sorry
[ This is a letter for my friends, that consists bitterness, oh well. Anyways, Enjoy Reading! and Follow me : @rm92 ]


Someday i'll leave without a goodbye.
Someday you'll notice how I affected your life.
Someday i'll realize that I never really mattered to you, did I?

I wouldn't say goodbye just for you to treat me right, just for you to treat me special.
I wouldn't say goodbye just because I wasn't going to see you again.
But I would say goodbye to those who made me feel happy while i'm still here.

I would be happy if you realized that someone is special to you when they're already leaving.
But sadly, you never treated this person right when they were still there.
Not ever.

Sorry for leaving without a goodbye, but at the same time.
Sorry Not Sorry.