

Bridge of Memories
Upon the Bridge of Memories, I stand, Where echoes of the past whisper and demand. Each plank and rail, a witness to time's flow, Tales of love and loss, in its embrace they grow.

Beneath the arches, memories dance and twine, Weaving a tapestry of moments, yours and mine. Footsteps echo, carrying stories untold, As the bridge holds secrets, of the young and old.

Through its span, the river of time does glide, A mirror to the memories, that in hearts reside. For every step taken on its weathered span, Weaves a new thread, in the tapestry it began.

Oh, Bridge of Memories, keeper of the past, Your strength and grace, a legacy to last. As we walk upon your path, we're never alone, For in your embrace, the memories have grown.
© Badmask

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