

Life is getting unbearable,
Getting used to it in the process,
To escape is unthinkable,
It will make you think that you're in a land of eerie beauty...

The weight of sorrow pulls me down,
Like a stone sinking in the sea,
Each day a struggle, each night a frown,
A soul adrift, longing to be free.

The laughter I once knew has fled,
Replaced by echoes of silent tears,
In shadows I wander, filled with dread,
Lost in a maze of unspoken fears.

Hope flickers like a dying flame,
Fading into the cold, dark night,
I search for solace, but all the same,
I'm trapped in this endless plight.

Oh, how I long for a gentle touch,
To chase away the clouds of gray,
But in this world, I hurt so much,
Alone in the dark, I slowly decay.

So here I stand, with a heavy heart,
Aching for a love that's out of reach,
In this unbearable life, torn apart,
Yearning for a beauty I cannot beseech.