

farewell, adieu, goodbye
the many faces
people see me with
a thousand roles i played
yet not all were conveyed to me
as these were all on
a myriad of point of views
different people
and their plethora of opinions

i may have been a hero,
a hypocrite, a liar,
or someone just full of it
but should i consider them
as an integral part
of my Johari's window
or a perspective that can be
easily let go

for the world is a soup
of my reflection
and i am at the middle
watching all these thoughts
what i think of me
is way more important
than how i think
others perceive me to be

a warrior or the villain of their lives
the asininity of their personal vendetta
i wave them goodbye
with the shower of flowers
and a million confetti
for these are all
happening in my mind
farewell, adieu, goodbye

breathe forgiveness
with a smile.

#poetrycommunity #poem #life #selfhelp #philosophy

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