

Into The Void of Insignificance
Into the void of insignificance I go
I fall, like a discarded dream
An empty vessel adrift in an ocean of nothingness.
Each step a search for meaning,
Each breath a reminder of fragility.

In this vast expanse of emptiness
I grasp for purpose, for connection,
But find only echoes of my own loneliness.
and rejection
The weight of existence bears down,
A heavy burden I cannot shake.

Fleeting moments of clarity
Are swallowed by the voracious void,
Leaving me stranded in a world of indifference.
Yet still I strive to carve out significance,
To leave a mark on this barren landscape.

I press on, though the void beckons,
Determined to defy its consuming embrace,
For in the face of nothingness,
I cling to the faint glimmer of hope,
That I too, may be seen.
© Brian C. Jobe