

A lesson learned
Life taught me a lesson,
One that left a mark,
Hard as it was,
Painful and torturing as it was,
Still, it was a lesson learned

I left me,
Failed to save me,
Still went around trying to find the lost me,
Little did I realise that I was never lost.

Infact, blinded
I was blinded by the difficulties of life,
That I saw me as a useless being,
I doubt my intelligence,
Went around looking for comfort.

Looking for closure,
Even when it was not promising,
But I hoped, still.
Found myself begging for my own death.

Blind to see the light coming my way,
Judged myself, beating myself up.
For the mistakes that were not even mine,
That's how bad I was.

In all,
I believed in me at the end,
I stood up,
I mean,
It was a lesson, One that I've marked.
© Thato Mangwegape