

splashes of fun
they were good times yes they were
didn't have tensions of future
only concern, if the train would come
that's what is splashes of fun

summer vacations spent at Kangra
it's a place I call home
where our grandma lived and we went
to meet our dear cousins under the summer Sun

the small stream is our lifeline of fun
bathing playing spending time
jumping from cliffs into the water
learning to swim, collecting rocks
learning about flora and fauna
it's a mini school in itself

parents had alarms of different types
the train chugging through hills
and hooting the horn was our alarm
to halt the fun and go back home

sneaking out the house in afternoon
when elders were taking rest and siesta
packing a bit of bread and pickle
we used to head back to the stream
for another session of fun
standing at the old rickety wooden bridge
gazing sun set, people fishing and watching birds

oh how I want those days to return
carefree as we were
not afraid of dangers of twilight
returning home after the dusk
missing the waters of our favourite stream....

© cmcb