

For you, Fellow Writer
This is for you, fellow writer.

Question above and beyond.  Unravel the lies and assemble the truth.

Question everything, everyone, question yourself.

Question life, question death.

Question religion.

Question your parents, your leaders, your heroes.

Question the world, question the words, question the sense.

Question this sentence.

Question as if your life depends on it.

Question your king, question your president.

 Question the books. You may even question numbers. 

For what we sing has been sung for generations. 

What once was, is not now. The present changes endlessly as seconds pass by. What was thought absurd is now what we call truth.

Our race is molded by what we once thought possible.

Who is to say the life of today won't be the ruins of tomorrow. 

Who is to say that what we know now is true and not undeveloped information. 


Truth hides within the crevices of the imagination. Lays in the eyes of the wise.

Truth lives in the brave hearts who are willing to doubt. Who are willing to fight for what's right and at night write with might.

How the fool of the today could end up being the president of tomorrow.

Prove me wrong, fight my norms, unravel my lies, and disprove my poems.

Your actions will show that im right, the current you're trying to fight are questions that shine light to the night.

Stay strong, dear writer, divine ink warrior. Know what you're after amid the disaster.

Just doubt the doubt and ink your feather through weary weather.
Write strong gestions with fearless questions.

© Arthur Normal