

I haven't. But...
Have you ever been
In a house of mirrors?
I haven't.
But I know your confusion.

Have you ever felt
Scared of darkness?
I haven't.
But I know your fear.

Have you ever been
On a roller coaster?
I haven't.
But I know your thrill.

My house of mirrors
Is my mazy thoughts
I don't feel scared of darkness–
It's sometimes darker in my mind.
I haven't felt a thrill ride,
But I've flown in my dreams
Felt the wind under my body
As I glide.

Have you ever drowned?
I haven't.
But I know the feeling–
I have a memory
Of something that never happened.

The flailing, the desperation.
The silence.
More than breathing,
The need to grasp–
Something. Anything.

The heartbeat–
The pulse in my very fingertips
The rushing of blood
Past my eardrums

The brief air on my reaching hand
Up on the surface
And the warmth around it
As I sink again.

All the while,
But not quite dead.
All the while,
My lungs burning.

But this never happened–
It does not exist
Another mind-made memory
Is this madness?

(Or maybe I just have
an overactive imagination


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