

Soulless 👈
No heart, no soul,

Just an empty hole.

Walking through life,

Aimless, without a role.

No passion, no fire,

Just existing, no desire.

Lost in a sea of gray.

No color, no sapphire.

No love, no devotion,

Just a lifeless emotion.

Going through the motions,

No depth, no commotion.

But can the soul be revived?

Can life once again be lived?

Can passion, love, and fire,

Be rekindled, and not expired?

Yes, the soul can be restored,

Life can once again be adored, passion, love, and fire,

Can reignite and inspire.

So don't let your soul go cold, embrace life, let it unfold,

Find your purpose, your role,

And let your soul become whole.

© K. I. L.