

Memories of those beautiful days
Still hang in my bedroom,
Strings of fairy lights
Create a magical wonder,
Those days were special when
Heart swayed to the gentle breeze of spring,
No dark clouds were seen,
Yet, I eagerly waited for strands of pearly rain and
The soft fragrance of petrichor
That enlivened my senses.
Mind wandered through lanes and bylanes of love,
Time was an absolute failure,
Couldn't imprison my imagination.
The journey still continues over
Life's rough terrain,
So much I've left behind,
So much more to cover ,
Many faces got lost in the crowd and
I can still hear many,
Whispering my name from far,
From beyond the horizon,
I can't reach them
But I can feel them right next to my heart .
I have come a long way,
Now, new dreams kiss my eyes each night,
The road has become narrower,
So many blind bends and the
Final destination is unknown,
But how does it matter?
Will you stay with me till the end?
The hours of tedium in between
May have slackened my pace,
Old faces, pale sky, breezeless breeze,
Are enough to keep me alive these days,
Yes, I have come a long way.
Destiny is a mystery,
Not in a hurry to unfurl the curtain,
Let time take its course,
I'll embrace each day with my smile,
Won't let you cry and
Bridge the gaps between our hearts,
My only desire,
Want to leave my footprints on your soul.

NANDINI MITRA © November 21,2023