

Love, Everything or Nothing
Once there was a girl named Ellen
Once there was a soul named nature
Ellen was brave and knew to rule her life
Ellen knew to be the leading character of her life story
The soul was fierce yet fabulous, fragile yet fearless

Every night and every day, she dreamt of acquiring huge landmarks
Every night and every day, she worked overwhelmingly to turn the tables
Ellen was not afraid of getting falling as that made her sturdy and competent
Ellen had never had the experience of straying aimlessly, yet passionately
The soul was daring yet careful, meticulous yet capacious to soak a lot more

Once, Ellen met Eden, they looked alike from different dimensions traveling the opposite
Once, they shared the same path like the vertex of two opposite rays meet to make an angle
Ellen and Eden too made an angle that wasn't painless to spoof
Ellen and Eden wrote a fate together that wasn't effortless to foreordain
The souls were attracted yet harsh, cherished yet turned away

Once Ellen admitted her devotion towards Eden
Once Eden repented inclination towards Ellen
Ellen and Eden both got back to their ways in the hope of never confronting this love again
Ellen and Eden both got towards the opposite roads of their lives
The souls prevailed yet stopped there, passionate yet empty there

While moving towards the landmarks, Eden got lost
While hurrying to the milestones, Ellen helped a lost soul
Ellen and Eden both were not ready to change their destinations
Ellen and Eden both were detached but bound by the strings of love
The souls were lost yet reached the destination, still moving yet discovered eternity
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