

The war and my father
War is not Hell because Hell is a fiction.
War is steeped in blood and terror and human degradation, war is fire and steel
and deafening tumult.

The death of one human-being is a tragedy beyond any measure and war wastes humans by the shipload: Entire villages, gone. Entire
cities, gone. Entire tribes, gone. Entire races...gone.

Hero's are meaningless because heroism is meaningless: Cannibals can be heroic, fools can be heroic, perverts and dictators and liars can be heroic (your enemy can be heroic.).

Heroism and it's attendant medals, banners and awards are merely trinkets and symbols to urge the faint-hearted from the trench, to fool the foolish into absurd acts of stupidity.

A true hero defies the politicians who cultivate war. A true hero, if he fights, fights
to defend the weak, fights to preserve the peace, fights to survive. Courage is not lack of fear, it is lack of any other options.

To fight for territory or oil or political systems or religion is to conduct organized murder. Men who rush to the slaughter do not warrant statues or accolades or places in the history books, they deserve what they get: buried.

My father was a soldier who fought in three wars, he was respected among soldiers, he was able and sturdy as a bridge. Yet my father was a man who beat his wife and children and despised all other races: when he died my sister spit on his grave.

My father embodied the foul spirit of war.

© W.G. Myers