

The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight.
The days stretched on, endless and gray,
She waited and waited, day after day.
But hope seemed distant, nowhere in sight,
Her heart grew heavy, burdened with the night.

In the depths of darkness, she felt lost,
Yearning for a glimmer, at any cost.
But sometimes, my friend, life can be tough,
Leaving us feeling like we've had enough.

But remember, even in the darkest hour,
There's strength within you, a hidden power.
Hold on tight, for brighter days will come,
And you'll find the strength to overcome.

So keep your head up, don't lose your way,
Believe in yourself, brighter skies will stay.
This journey may be tough, but you'll find your light,
And hope will guide you through, shining so bright.
© bably