

Not your typical kitchen
Write a poem focusing on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like.

Grandma's kitchen to me was
the best place in the house.
It had everything made yummy,that belongs inside your mouth.It had a window with yellow curtains right above the sink.Ans on the basin ,Fresh lemonade for you to drink.She would tie the curtains back to let in the morning air.If your quick enough you might catch grandpa in his underwear.She kept the back door open but don't forget to close the screen,Cuz if you let the flies in,She gets really mean.She always cooks real early,She rises with the sun.Shes already been up 5 hours before most people's days begun.She cooks eggs any way you want'em.Scrambled
or sunny side up ,When your coffee cup gets low She's right there to fill your cup .She's got pots and pans that hang right in the middle of the room.And a special little closet just for her mop and broom.The stove is big and white ,It stands over by the clock.It bakes the most delicious pies and cakes this world has got.When breakfast
is over and the dishes are set to dry There's always biscuits and bacon left sitting there to cool.I always looked forward to it right after school..On the right side if the table that's where she would sit.In her favorite chair ,She would snap peas,Or shed knit.All the cubbards in her kitchen were painted a bright yellow.
And in her refrigerator I could always find my favorite jello.She had rugs on the floor
you know the round ones with the rings.Her toaster oven set in the back of the counter.When she would tell a story ,All of us kids would gather round her.In my grandma's kitchen she cooked each thing with love,It was no ordinary kitchen she's always watching from above..

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