

The death penalty demanded
I didn't come to take immortality
I came to take my death sentence,
I know I will be taken prisoner now
The chains will be worn on my open arms

I know I'm a traitor,
What kind of country would you call a blessing?
I have stolen my money and built a flat in it

I know I'm a minority,
Because rebels are born so few,
And those who have rebel bodies are drowned, in the river
Fecal feces run mosquitoes in their silent bodies

I know I'm alone,
Because I'm not a fraud,
Don't want to get stuck in pension files
Or am I alone without being unfair?

At midnight my picture will go to press,
There will be a crossfire to block my voice,
In the title I will die in the gun battle
And the foot litter parties will soak the toast in tea

I came to ask for the rights, to speak out for the oppressed
Remember, killing me doesn't end at all!
After 10 months and 10 days, I was born again in another womb

© kazi zuberi mostak