

Zee Shan Khan .
He can rhyme his name with any situation.
He can make people laugh without punctuation.
He finds his socks,the safest ,to hide.
But they smell worse than Hydrogen sulphide.
According to him ,a writer's respect comes from the number of papers he crumples and throws.
His philosophy cannot be understood because it's very deep,how only God knows.
Veer is one of his favourite chuddi ke buddies,
whose name he uses ,to get work done from the tithlies.
Guess his second home -the girls toilet,
where they discuss rags' secret.
Zenia's button head brother .
Jango's all time prey and bother.
He has a soft core
as he finds a friend even in chottu,to adore .
He is our cutie pie ....Zeeee

© Srimayi